GeoSpatializer.com - Accurate & Complete Location Information
Don't Just GeoCode...GeoSpatialize!
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GeoCoded report!
  • Most Accurate Results
  • Rooftop GeoCoding
  • Over 25 years of GeoCoding!

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Custom GeoCoding

Our custom GeoCoding service enables your business to embed our geocoding system into your website or application.Your customers can have access to our GeoCoding system without having to navigate away from your website. Useful information such as drive time analysis determines the ETA, distance and surrounding stores. Our spatial analysis service pinpoints all locations within a determined amount of miles from your location. We can also use our demographic information service to search for store locations within a specific radius or even all existing locations. Our Custom GeoCoding services is just that: Custom for you and your business.
Drive distance/time analysis
Distance/time from address to a single store
Distance/time from address to a list of stores
Closest Store to each address
Spatial analysis
All locations withn "n" miles from store
All locations within "n" miles for each store in the list
Demographics for the location
Return certain demographics for a given location,
based upon the block group
Engage in an interactive
system that provides you with
the geographic information you need.
Just upload your records list and in minutes have a GeoCoded Report!
  • Most Accurate Results
  • Rooftop GeoCoding
  • Over 25 years of GeoCoding!